A random collection of things to Bloggle your mind

Tuesday 17 April 2012

'Dear diary'

Do you ever feel like you never did enough? Like everything you did do was wrong? Do you feel like walking away again?

The past will always catch up, no matter what you do. No matter where you hide, what you do, the past is done, it's there, it happened. The past is always there, a painful reminder of your mistakes.

Can it happen again? Or do people change? What is selfishness?

Do feelings really die? How do senses bring back such powerful memories, stirring every available emotion within our bodies? Overwhelming our minds, leaving us dazed and confused. Wanting to run, wanting to stay, wanting to turn away, wanting to face head on.

Can the past happen again? Can we change the future? Does love last forever? Or does it fade, like a candle that cannot be relit. We try. I try every match in the packet to set a spark.....but they are all damp. I dropped them in the water, yet somehow salvaged them, trying to restore the former glory of my brightly burning candle. But should I keep trying? It won't ever light. When do I stop trying? I'll be left in the dark...

'Diary' you are the only one who listens in moments of utter confusion and helplessness. I don't know what to do.

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