A random collection of things to Bloggle your mind

Thursday 3 May 2012

Don't judge a person by the books they read!

That was meant to flow like
"Don't judge a book by it's cover" although i'm not sure it did!

So, like I have mentioned before, I have been very privileged in where I have been educated my whole life. My first school was chosen by my parents, and then my second (6th form) was selected by me.

I really don't believe that where you where educated makes the blindest bit of difference to someone. More often that not, kids in state schools are coming out with much better GCSE results than those at private school.
My education history shows that up until my A-levels I have achieved nothing lower than a B.  I made sure that the GCSE's I chose were varied and at AS level I had a Science, Humanity and a Creative Arts. I was pushed at GCSE to achieve at least 6 C's in order to secure a place at my chosen 6th form.  

At 6th form, I was just there to get "LIFE EXPERIENCE". That was my goal all along. I wasn't there to get straight A's or to get into university, however this made me seriously in the minority. During careers talks, the school lost interest in me. It was clear to them that I wasn't going to get them onto any league tables, I wasn't going to achieve anything to benefit them. All my friends got valuable careers advice, interview skills and c.v. writing practice. I instead took up a couple of Open University modules in Marine Biology and Fossils/ Evolution. (This did give the school something to shout about, and to this day I am still mentioned and used as an example when the Headmaster talks about this opportunity)

So my 6th form life ended, and all my friends strolled off to university. Many falling flat on their faces only to return a short time later, with me laughing in the background. Over the next 2 years, I went on the achieve 2 Diplomas in Chemistry and Feline Biology both with Merit. I also did work experience at Sealife, as well as continuing my charity shop work.
I tried attending a college to study Animal Management - Level 3, however realised the place wasn't for me, so dropped out after 2 months, BUT continued the course and achieved it 6 months later. 
Since September I have been completing a course in Beauty Therapy, and have recently passed with distinction at level 3, with 2 training days which all adds to my CPD points. I have also joined as a Consultant with the Body Shop at Home, and in 6 months generated sales exceeding £3000. 

I may not be the "typical" (factory built) university student. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying university on the whole is bad, it's just not right for some people! (me included) It's a predictable path. I never wanted to be on the same road as other people. So far, I have a darn sight more life skills than most of my friends. They are sitting safe within the hold of the university for the next 3 odd years. Some just stacking shelves in Tescos, or others with no job at all. Their qualifications will not always guarantee a job.

People think that because I have no degree, PHD or whatever, that my c.v. is weak. How very very wrong they are! I have skills and evidence to back up those skills. I can claim to be an all rounder and with endless evidence to prove it. I have personality traits that are evident in the work that I have already done.

Education is not THE goal, it is merely a way to help you achieve the goals that YOU want to achieve in life. Don't follow the crowd, stand out! 
Be who you want to be, and not what everyone expects you to be. 

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