A random collection of things to Bloggle your mind

Saturday 12 May 2012

Breakfast Order - 1 Double Chocolate Muffin

Morning All!
Notice the absence of the word "good" here....

I see on the internet all the time, all these pictures claiming "WHAT A DIFFERENCE A WEEK MAKES". There are quite a few around our country at the moment, what with our rather unpredictable British May Weather! But seriously, what a difference a week makes......

I've had a morning of it already, and its only 8:45. A disturbed nights sleep, only because I knew my alarm was set for 7:00am! Had to walk a mile to catch a 8:30 train, which was cancelled, with a slower BUS REPLACEMENT service in place. Seeing as I had a quick turn around anyway at the next station, I thought "sod it", nothing is that important, and so I turned on my heels and walked briskly home, picking up a double chocolate muffin on the way.

Weighing up things in life. Sometimes they are just not worth the effort that you put in.
A job is not worth the money you get. A relationship is not worth the heartache you suffer. A project is not worth the effort you put it.

So many moments in life when one just has enough of something, and just says "SOD IT". Noone else can say it for you, only yourself. 

And boo, i've finished my muffin. At least I have another one! :) 

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