Okay so i may be 2 months too early, but I am SO excited about Eurovision 2012!!!
I've been on the website and listened to most of the songs already, I don't usually do this, as I like it to be a surprise, but I thought I would be different.
My family always has a bit of a party during the evening. We write comments on each song, sing along, eat traditional food. What do they eat in Azerbaijan????? LOL
So, I HAVE CHOSEN MY WINNER ALREADY! Russia. If they don't win, it's a joke. When I first heard the song, I thought, oh dear lord. But actually, it's annoyingly catchy. So out of tune, key, note, everything, YET GREAT. If you haven't heard it, here is the link.
I've heard our entry is supposed to be a favourite. I like the song....but we never win, and really we need to go into the competition knowing that!
My other favourites are:
Italy - i've been told noone likes them, so they won't win.
Iceland - Could do well
I can't wait!!!!
A random collection of things to Bloggle your mind
Saturday, 31 March 2012
I know my audience
Hi again to all my readers around the world
Germany and Russia still up there in my top followers. Julia one of those has to be you!
I'm a little worried that my blog is being linked to a viagra site.....erm....really
And according to my blog stats, i've branched out to Oman, with one lone reader out there on a Mac and using firefox. Only one guess who that is, thanks for telling me about the move (!) here's hoping its not as bad as Qatar.
Believe me I do know these things.
Germany and Russia still up there in my top followers. Julia one of those has to be you!
I'm a little worried that my blog is being linked to a viagra site.....erm....really
And according to my blog stats, i've branched out to Oman, with one lone reader out there on a Mac and using firefox. Only one guess who that is, thanks for telling me about the move (!) here's hoping its not as bad as Qatar.
Believe me I do know these things.
Big Dance 2012
A couple of days ago I went up to London for an audition/ welcome event for Big Dance 2012.
Big dance is a bi-annual event that was started by the Mayor in 2006.
This year they are tieing their celebration in with the Olympics. The main festival will take place during 7-15 July with many events happening across the U.K. Its a big celebration of dance, with many events taking place at Museums, Theaters, Shopping Malls and other public places.
I am hoping to not only be a dancer within some of the events, but also to be a volunteer for others. At the event on Thursday they outlined some of the volunteer roles that need to be filled. I'm hoping for crowd control/ ushers, only because I need something with very little rehearsal time. I live a good 1 1/2 away from London by train, and commuting could soon cost a lot, plus my olympic rehearsals are scattered here and there. I also volunteered to be on the social media and reporting team. This would involve twitter, facebook and also being out in the action armed with film equipment, filming the event and also filming the reactions of the general public.
One of the most famous things that Big Dance organise during this event is Flash Mobs. For anyone that doesn't know what those are I shall explain....
Basically a Flash Mob involves a group of people (planned) gathering in a public place, and perform an unusual and spontaneous act for a short period of time and then disperse. The effect is really incredible. Generally the groups are made up of many dance schools and groups who have had the time to rehearse and then come together to perform. This is something i've always wanted to be part of, so fingers crossed.
Watch this flash mob, be blown away!
I came away from my trip on Thursday with my head spinning with all this information. And a FREE BIG DANCE t-shirt.
London 2012 is offering so many once in a lifetime opportunities. While I still have my life, before embarking on a career and living alone in September, I am going to make the most of every opportunity.
I'm so lucky to be involved in the Olympics in so many ways. And to possibly be involved with Big Dance is just icing on the cake. I'm not a professional dancer, I only have 6 years dance experience from when I was little. I never got the opportunity to showcase any skills at my 6th form, and even if I did get the chance I would have been too scared to say yes, fearing that I could have been a repeat of "Susan Boyle". The only time, recently, that I have danced in front of an audience was back in 2006, at my Senior School during our Christmas show. The surprised comments from staff and pupils gave me a real buzz, but not enough courage to get me back onstage again. Until now!
Big dance is a bi-annual event that was started by the Mayor in 2006.
This year they are tieing their celebration in with the Olympics. The main festival will take place during 7-15 July with many events happening across the U.K. Its a big celebration of dance, with many events taking place at Museums, Theaters, Shopping Malls and other public places.
I am hoping to not only be a dancer within some of the events, but also to be a volunteer for others. At the event on Thursday they outlined some of the volunteer roles that need to be filled. I'm hoping for crowd control/ ushers, only because I need something with very little rehearsal time. I live a good 1 1/2 away from London by train, and commuting could soon cost a lot, plus my olympic rehearsals are scattered here and there. I also volunteered to be on the social media and reporting team. This would involve twitter, facebook and also being out in the action armed with film equipment, filming the event and also filming the reactions of the general public.
One of the most famous things that Big Dance organise during this event is Flash Mobs. For anyone that doesn't know what those are I shall explain....
Basically a Flash Mob involves a group of people (planned) gathering in a public place, and perform an unusual and spontaneous act for a short period of time and then disperse. The effect is really incredible. Generally the groups are made up of many dance schools and groups who have had the time to rehearse and then come together to perform. This is something i've always wanted to be part of, so fingers crossed.
Watch this flash mob, be blown away!
I came away from my trip on Thursday with my head spinning with all this information. And a FREE BIG DANCE t-shirt.
London 2012 is offering so many once in a lifetime opportunities. While I still have my life, before embarking on a career and living alone in September, I am going to make the most of every opportunity.
I'm so lucky to be involved in the Olympics in so many ways. And to possibly be involved with Big Dance is just icing on the cake. I'm not a professional dancer, I only have 6 years dance experience from when I was little. I never got the opportunity to showcase any skills at my 6th form, and even if I did get the chance I would have been too scared to say yes, fearing that I could have been a repeat of "Susan Boyle". The only time, recently, that I have danced in front of an audience was back in 2006, at my Senior School during our Christmas show. The surprised comments from staff and pupils gave me a real buzz, but not enough courage to get me back onstage again. Until now!
Friday, 30 March 2012
The Apprentice is BACK!
I LOVE this program! And i'm rather glad that it is on slightly earlier this year!!
This year is looking good already!
We have already had arguments, failed products, refunds, sleeping on duty and someone talking themselves out of the job!
I'm glad the girls are failing rather miserably. I never EVER like the girls early on, all they ever do is argue. And in week 1, when they were complaining about Bilyana stealing all the customers.....THAT'S BUSINESS!!! I have people stealing my customers all the time, i'm used to it. You have to up your game. Nick Hewer is a legend as always!
Second week, Maria falling asleep was not a good move. Young applicants never seem to get very far on this show, and she was only 20!
The boys are looking strong this year. I recon ones to watch are Ricky and Duane.
But I will be watching one boy in particular. Nick Holzherr. My god he is GORGEOUS!!! (I made the fatal error of likening his looks to those of my ex-boyfriend, not a good move. Yet possibly his long lost twin)
After seeing him in week 1 I was like, "oh my god please make it to the final!!!". YET, when I watched "The Apprentice - You're Fired" they were dissing him. Saying he is a creepy geek.
Typical me, I always seem to like the geeks of the bunch. There is something about the geeks :) He's also very into gadgets and technology, calling himself a "Technology Entrepreneur". God. Not something i'm so into, but......he's still cute. I think its the face and the hair.On a professional note, I recon he could get a fair way. (I hope he does for my eye candy needs!) He's only 25.......within my reach!!!
The bloke who won it last year was equally as gorgeous. And yet again, a geek!!! Let me hear it for the geeks! :P
Im sure more blog posts will follow on this topic, looking forward to Wednesday already!
I LOVE this program! And i'm rather glad that it is on slightly earlier this year!!
This year is looking good already!
We have already had arguments, failed products, refunds, sleeping on duty and someone talking themselves out of the job!
I'm glad the girls are failing rather miserably. I never EVER like the girls early on, all they ever do is argue. And in week 1, when they were complaining about Bilyana stealing all the customers.....THAT'S BUSINESS!!! I have people stealing my customers all the time, i'm used to it. You have to up your game. Nick Hewer is a legend as always!
Second week, Maria falling asleep was not a good move. Young applicants never seem to get very far on this show, and she was only 20!
The boys are looking strong this year. I recon ones to watch are Ricky and Duane.
But I will be watching one boy in particular. Nick Holzherr. My god he is GORGEOUS!!! (I made the fatal error of likening his looks to those of my ex-boyfriend, not a good move. Yet possibly his long lost twin)
After seeing him in week 1 I was like, "oh my god please make it to the final!!!". YET, when I watched "The Apprentice - You're Fired" they were dissing him. Saying he is a creepy geek.
Typical me, I always seem to like the geeks of the bunch. There is something about the geeks :) He's also very into gadgets and technology, calling himself a "Technology Entrepreneur". God. Not something i'm so into, but......he's still cute. I think its the face and the hair.On a professional note, I recon he could get a fair way. (I hope he does for my eye candy needs!) He's only 25.......within my reach!!!
The bloke who won it last year was equally as gorgeous. And yet again, a geek!!! Let me hear it for the geeks! :P
Im sure more blog posts will follow on this topic, looking forward to Wednesday already!
My Little Bro!
Don't worry, I shall do a blog on my big brother too! :)
Callum is 17, 4 years younger than me. We have always been quite close as siblings. I am a very panicky person, everything has to be just perfect and I get stressed very easily. Yet Callum balances all that, because he is the most laid-back person I have ever met. Nothing fazes him!!
March 2012
He also has a wicked sense of humour. He watches alot of comedy programs, and seems to have developed a comedic side of himself, always offering one liners in a crisis.
He went to the same school as me between 5-7 years old. Then he went on to a local junior school, where unfortunately he was bullied. He never liked football or sports and was larger in size than most of the kids (having been a SERIOUSLY skinny child!)
He also has Asbergers. Not seriously, but mild. The only time I ever notice is when looking at his handwriting, at 17 he has the handwriting of a 5 year old!!!
Due to all these troubles, he left school in 2005 at 10 years old, and has been home schooled ever since. Mum is a teacher, and left her job in 2006 to get Callum through his school years. With me taking GCSE exams before him, it allowed mum to drum up on her knowledge of all subjects ready for his exams last year.
2006, complete with gap in teeth wide enough for a bus! EW!
He did pretty well! He was never destined for A*'S but he passed them all.
So what does he like? CARS, yawn. I'm not too sure what his career goals are, mind you 17 is too young to know what you want from life. He talks about being a mechanic, or a garage owner. Sounds good to me.
We do alot together, walk, eat out and try new things like Scuba Diving last year. I'm very proud of him as he has FINALLY decided to join a gym! Bless him. He has battled with his weight since he was about 9 years old. And I know that it gets him down alot. But now with the gym, and daily walks.......watch this space! :-)
Callum is 17, 4 years younger than me. We have always been quite close as siblings. I am a very panicky person, everything has to be just perfect and I get stressed very easily. Yet Callum balances all that, because he is the most laid-back person I have ever met. Nothing fazes him!!
March 2012
He also has a wicked sense of humour. He watches alot of comedy programs, and seems to have developed a comedic side of himself, always offering one liners in a crisis.
He went to the same school as me between 5-7 years old. Then he went on to a local junior school, where unfortunately he was bullied. He never liked football or sports and was larger in size than most of the kids (having been a SERIOUSLY skinny child!)
He also has Asbergers. Not seriously, but mild. The only time I ever notice is when looking at his handwriting, at 17 he has the handwriting of a 5 year old!!!
Due to all these troubles, he left school in 2005 at 10 years old, and has been home schooled ever since. Mum is a teacher, and left her job in 2006 to get Callum through his school years. With me taking GCSE exams before him, it allowed mum to drum up on her knowledge of all subjects ready for his exams last year.
2006, complete with gap in teeth wide enough for a bus! EW!
He did pretty well! He was never destined for A*'S but he passed them all.
So what does he like? CARS, yawn. I'm not too sure what his career goals are, mind you 17 is too young to know what you want from life. He talks about being a mechanic, or a garage owner. Sounds good to me.
We do alot together, walk, eat out and try new things like Scuba Diving last year. I'm very proud of him as he has FINALLY decided to join a gym! Bless him. He has battled with his weight since he was about 9 years old. And I know that it gets him down alot. But now with the gym, and daily walks.......watch this space! :-)
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Weight Loss, the Secret?
So, I couldn't believe my luck this morning when I stepped on the scales (I very rarely weigh myself as it's just too depressing) and I found out I had lost a STONE in weight in the last month.
So how did I do it? What is the secret?
Well, to be honest, i have no idea how I have lost so much weight in so little time, and I have no secret!
I work out regularly twice a week, 2 x 1 hour classes of Zumba, where I always opt for the high impact workout. I occasionally walk, albeit not very far, either a mile into town or 1/4 mile to my local shop. And that is about it as far as exercise is concerned.
As for food, i EAT. I will pretty much eat what I want, when I want it. I do snack occasionally. I guess my portion sizes have decreased over the last year or so....no idea why. But as much as I love a good caesar salad, I will usually go for anything with carbohydrates....potatoes, pasta, bread, CHIPS!
Stress level - HIGH! Well, high for me, pretty much medium/low for anyone else! :) I've had alot of nervous energy lately, what with driving lessons, love life and work. But I have never seen how nervous energy can actually be fat burning! :S
I should have taken a before and after photo! People could see the difference for themselves. My work collegues have all noticed a difference, even my own family! The person who noticed most was my manager. She has been off sick for a good month or so, and when I saw her the other day all I got was "WOW you've lost weight!" Especially around my upper arms and "gut" area.
I've even gone down a dress size. I usually like wearing more baggy clothes, i'm not a tight person! :D So i've usually gone for a size up from my normal, but now all those clothes are far too big for me. Jumble sale here I come!
Please nobody panic though (not that you will) I eat perfectly normally, i'm not starving myself. Trying to take food away from me is very difficult!!!!!
For the record, that is NOT my body in the photo, I can dream on!
So how did I do it? What is the secret?
Well, to be honest, i have no idea how I have lost so much weight in so little time, and I have no secret!
I work out regularly twice a week, 2 x 1 hour classes of Zumba, where I always opt for the high impact workout. I occasionally walk, albeit not very far, either a mile into town or 1/4 mile to my local shop. And that is about it as far as exercise is concerned.
As for food, i EAT. I will pretty much eat what I want, when I want it. I do snack occasionally. I guess my portion sizes have decreased over the last year or so....no idea why. But as much as I love a good caesar salad, I will usually go for anything with carbohydrates....potatoes, pasta, bread, CHIPS!
Stress level - HIGH! Well, high for me, pretty much medium/low for anyone else! :) I've had alot of nervous energy lately, what with driving lessons, love life and work. But I have never seen how nervous energy can actually be fat burning! :S
I should have taken a before and after photo! People could see the difference for themselves. My work collegues have all noticed a difference, even my own family! The person who noticed most was my manager. She has been off sick for a good month or so, and when I saw her the other day all I got was "WOW you've lost weight!" Especially around my upper arms and "gut" area.
I've even gone down a dress size. I usually like wearing more baggy clothes, i'm not a tight person! :D So i've usually gone for a size up from my normal, but now all those clothes are far too big for me. Jumble sale here I come!
Please nobody panic though (not that you will) I eat perfectly normally, i'm not starving myself. Trying to take food away from me is very difficult!!!!!
For the record, that is NOT my body in the photo, I can dream on!
Monday, 26 March 2012
School Yearbooks, Life Goes On
So I'm currently going through that awful stage of knowing that i'm moving out over the summer to live on my own.
Its a "not so wonderful" time of a young person's life. You see it alot in movies, and people talk about it in a way that is so glammed up, so not real life, that when it actually all happens, it's a massive shock. Bills, food, cleaning, rent are all things that are rather skimmed over in movies! Young, immature people are forced to grow up VERY quickly in order to survive.
So, i'm going through my draws, wardrobe...making rather large piles titled:
"Ebay" "Charity Shop" and "Rubbish"
I have a mirrored chest of draws, that hopefully I will be taking with me, but the contents mostly has to go. Within the cluttered draws I found my yearbook from when I left 6th form in 2009, only 3 years ago, but how life has changed in those 3 years.
While flicking through the book and smiling to myself at some of the photos, I came to the "Signatures and Comments" page. Now, most of these pages where filled in when I wasn't present, as I chose to stay with my boyfriend in Center Parcs rather than go to the summer ball. This was the best decision I ever made, as that night (our first night together for 9 months) was the most special night of my life. Nothing has ever topped it before or since. I grew up at Center Parcs, and so taking him there was so special to me. We'd been together 9 months prior to the trip, and as mentioned it was our first night together. The first real moment I ever felt in love.
Anyway, so my book was filled in by everyone in my absence.
It's strange looking back at the comments. It's tough to work out how genuine some of them where.
People promising to stay in touch, be friends forever, missing me.....I look at them now and they don't care.
People move on. You never believe it when you are actually in a situation, Good-bye is the hardest word to say, yet 3 years down the line, I never speak to these people. And tbh don't want to see half of them anyway!!
People change. Grow Up. Move On. Meet new people. It's all part of life. However there is always this twinge of sadness, when someone you were really close to moves on too. I once heard a thing from my mother, she said how most people will go through their entire life and be able to count their true friends on 1 hand!! Scary. I'm 21, and so far can count no-one. I have friends I like to occasionally talk to, and perhaps see 1-2 a year, but I have no-one in my life I can actually truly call a friend. And that is horrible. All those signatures in the book, all those people in my life.......moved on.
I guess the one that stuck out most was that of my boyfriend. We sat on the last day of term, and I handed him my yearbook to write in. I genuinely wasn't expecting him to write much (he hates writing) but I was hoping for an "I love you" at the least! He was a year younger than me, and so he had to get through a year without me being there. And God I felt guilty! He was just about to embark on the trip of a lifetime to do charity work in Malawi, and we knew we were not going to see each other for 6 weeks! Later in our relationship 6 weeks was nothing, as we ended up going months on end without seeing each other. And I was about to embark on.......my life. That was it, school was over for me. I was to find my own direction, yet I was determined never to leave the love of my life behind. This is what he wrote,
"I love you so much and I always will no matter what happens i'm never letting you go. We have done so much together and these memories I am going to have them for the rest of my life. You are so special to me and I will never ever forget you. You are a part of me now and nobody is going to separate us. Thank you for always being there for me when I need you and loving me even when i'm being odd. I never ever want to leave you, I hate being apart from you and am always looking forward to seeing you again.
I love you so bloody much and I can't wait to go to Disneyland and definitely have a proper mud fight at Center Parcs. And I can't wait til we have proper snuggles again, you have no idea the feeling of love that gave. I will love you forever and ever, I will always be there if you need me, if not next to you, with you in some other way. I love you so bloody much"
Obviously i'm not sitting here dissing him, I still love him. But it shows that people really do move on. I couldn't have even imagined a life without him, yet now I have no choice. We did go to Disneyland together the following year, we also took many trips to Center Parcs and just made so many more memories. Which probably makes all this so much harder.
He was kind of right when he said "nobody will separate us". It's true, I separated us. I didn't grow up quick enough, I stayed a child for too long and it cost me dearly. He believe he loved me, whether he still does now I don't think so. I was there for him, and yes he was "odd" at times but it never ever stopped me. And never will. He may never have wanted to leave me, but about 28 months later, he did. And the saddest part, "I will always be there if you need me".....he's not.
I can only hope that he does never forget me.
Life goes on, the only way I can go, is forward. Yet for most of the journey, I will always be looking back.
Its a "not so wonderful" time of a young person's life. You see it alot in movies, and people talk about it in a way that is so glammed up, so not real life, that when it actually all happens, it's a massive shock. Bills, food, cleaning, rent are all things that are rather skimmed over in movies! Young, immature people are forced to grow up VERY quickly in order to survive.
So, i'm going through my draws, wardrobe...making rather large piles titled:
"Ebay" "Charity Shop" and "Rubbish"
I have a mirrored chest of draws, that hopefully I will be taking with me, but the contents mostly has to go. Within the cluttered draws I found my yearbook from when I left 6th form in 2009, only 3 years ago, but how life has changed in those 3 years.
While flicking through the book and smiling to myself at some of the photos, I came to the "Signatures and Comments" page. Now, most of these pages where filled in when I wasn't present, as I chose to stay with my boyfriend in Center Parcs rather than go to the summer ball. This was the best decision I ever made, as that night (our first night together for 9 months) was the most special night of my life. Nothing has ever topped it before or since. I grew up at Center Parcs, and so taking him there was so special to me. We'd been together 9 months prior to the trip, and as mentioned it was our first night together. The first real moment I ever felt in love.
Anyway, so my book was filled in by everyone in my absence.
It's strange looking back at the comments. It's tough to work out how genuine some of them where.
People promising to stay in touch, be friends forever, missing me.....I look at them now and they don't care.
People move on. You never believe it when you are actually in a situation, Good-bye is the hardest word to say, yet 3 years down the line, I never speak to these people. And tbh don't want to see half of them anyway!!
People change. Grow Up. Move On. Meet new people. It's all part of life. However there is always this twinge of sadness, when someone you were really close to moves on too. I once heard a thing from my mother, she said how most people will go through their entire life and be able to count their true friends on 1 hand!! Scary. I'm 21, and so far can count no-one. I have friends I like to occasionally talk to, and perhaps see 1-2 a year, but I have no-one in my life I can actually truly call a friend. And that is horrible. All those signatures in the book, all those people in my life.......moved on.
I guess the one that stuck out most was that of my boyfriend. We sat on the last day of term, and I handed him my yearbook to write in. I genuinely wasn't expecting him to write much (he hates writing) but I was hoping for an "I love you" at the least! He was a year younger than me, and so he had to get through a year without me being there. And God I felt guilty! He was just about to embark on the trip of a lifetime to do charity work in Malawi, and we knew we were not going to see each other for 6 weeks! Later in our relationship 6 weeks was nothing, as we ended up going months on end without seeing each other. And I was about to embark on.......my life. That was it, school was over for me. I was to find my own direction, yet I was determined never to leave the love of my life behind. This is what he wrote,
"I love you so much and I always will no matter what happens i'm never letting you go. We have done so much together and these memories I am going to have them for the rest of my life. You are so special to me and I will never ever forget you. You are a part of me now and nobody is going to separate us. Thank you for always being there for me when I need you and loving me even when i'm being odd. I never ever want to leave you, I hate being apart from you and am always looking forward to seeing you again.
I love you so bloody much and I can't wait to go to Disneyland and definitely have a proper mud fight at Center Parcs. And I can't wait til we have proper snuggles again, you have no idea the feeling of love that gave. I will love you forever and ever, I will always be there if you need me, if not next to you, with you in some other way. I love you so bloody much"
Obviously i'm not sitting here dissing him, I still love him. But it shows that people really do move on. I couldn't have even imagined a life without him, yet now I have no choice. We did go to Disneyland together the following year, we also took many trips to Center Parcs and just made so many more memories. Which probably makes all this so much harder.
He was kind of right when he said "nobody will separate us". It's true, I separated us. I didn't grow up quick enough, I stayed a child for too long and it cost me dearly. He believe he loved me, whether he still does now I don't think so. I was there for him, and yes he was "odd" at times but it never ever stopped me. And never will. He may never have wanted to leave me, but about 28 months later, he did. And the saddest part, "I will always be there if you need me".....he's not.
I can only hope that he does never forget me.
Life goes on, the only way I can go, is forward. Yet for most of the journey, I will always be looking back.
Monday, 19 March 2012
When He Hears The Fire Bell Chime.....
Fireman Sam is there on time!
How random is this post?
Who else used to watch this as a kid in the 80's/90's?
Following the day to day living of the little town called Pontypandy, somewhere in Wales, where EVERY SINGLE DAY was filled with disasters, fires, floods, lost children and who could the entire town call upon?
Fireman Sam: Your "hero next door" with the rather witty catchphrase "Great Fires O' London!"
The disasters are usually started by, or involve the 3 children of the town. Sarah and James are the well behaved niece and nephew of fireman Sam, and NORMAN price is the unruly, ginger haired son of Dilys Price, the scatty grocery store owner. Dilys has a thing for Trevor, the bus driver and auxiliary fireman however he is far too shy to go along with it.- keeping up? Who needs Eastenders eh?
Bella Lasagne, from Italy (couldn't you tell) is the absent minded cafe owner. Seems to go about her business without ever being involved in any major event, with Rosa her beloved cat.
So to the other fire crew. Fireman Cridlington, bless him, was never all there. Always aspiring to be a rock star, with Elvis hair to match, his head was always up in the clouds and never on the task in hand. Leading him in trouble many times with Officer Steele. A been there, done that former army officer in charge of the station. With his catchphrase of "Now who needs the fire service?" Jupiter is the fire engine.
The original series comprised of 32, 20 minute long episodes. A perfect length for someone like me who gets serious ADD when watching films. This series had the BEST theme song any children's tv character has ever had! Coupled with the outstanding voice talents of John Alderton it was tv gold!
- I watched a couple (okay, ALL) the episodes recently, and marveled at Johns talent. Sometimes it is impossible to believe its a man speaking!
Mind you, as with all perfectly good children's shows - Pingu, Postman pat, Noddy - they have gone and ruined it by making it 3D. Adding in helicopters, Divers!?!, Cliff rescues. Taken away the old theme tune and voice artists.....
It's not what it used to be!
How random is this post?
Who else used to watch this as a kid in the 80's/90's?
Following the day to day living of the little town called Pontypandy, somewhere in Wales, where EVERY SINGLE DAY was filled with disasters, fires, floods, lost children and who could the entire town call upon?
Fireman Sam: Your "hero next door" with the rather witty catchphrase "Great Fires O' London!"
The disasters are usually started by, or involve the 3 children of the town. Sarah and James are the well behaved niece and nephew of fireman Sam, and NORMAN price is the unruly, ginger haired son of Dilys Price, the scatty grocery store owner. Dilys has a thing for Trevor, the bus driver and auxiliary fireman however he is far too shy to go along with it.- keeping up? Who needs Eastenders eh?
Bella Lasagne, from Italy (couldn't you tell) is the absent minded cafe owner. Seems to go about her business without ever being involved in any major event, with Rosa her beloved cat.
So to the other fire crew. Fireman Cridlington, bless him, was never all there. Always aspiring to be a rock star, with Elvis hair to match, his head was always up in the clouds and never on the task in hand. Leading him in trouble many times with Officer Steele. A been there, done that former army officer in charge of the station. With his catchphrase of "Now who needs the fire service?" Jupiter is the fire engine.
The original series comprised of 32, 20 minute long episodes. A perfect length for someone like me who gets serious ADD when watching films. This series had the BEST theme song any children's tv character has ever had! Coupled with the outstanding voice talents of John Alderton it was tv gold!
- I watched a couple (okay, ALL) the episodes recently, and marveled at Johns talent. Sometimes it is impossible to believe its a man speaking!
Mind you, as with all perfectly good children's shows - Pingu, Postman pat, Noddy - they have gone and ruined it by making it 3D. Adding in helicopters, Divers!?!, Cliff rescues. Taken away the old theme tune and voice artists.....
It's not what it used to be!
In the light of me reaching 215 blog views, I would like to say a BIG HELLO to all my viewers around the world!
Germany! Hallo!
Russia! Привет!
America! Howd'y! :)
Canada! Hello and Bonjour!
U.K! Hi!!!!
Lovely to have you all here, keep up the viewing!
Germany! Hallo!
Russia! Привет!
America! Howd'y! :)
Canada! Hello and Bonjour!
U.K! Hi!!!!
Lovely to have you all here, keep up the viewing!
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Buying your first car
I am so glad that I have a father and younger brother who are both very into cars!
I am currently in the process of buying my first car.....and it is painful!
I am not very into mechanics, and how big the engine is...how much horse power these things have. I seriously have ADD when it comes to this sort of thing.
All I have managed to say is my budget, size and perhaps shape of the car I want. I have literally left the rest down to those two boys. They know what they are looking for, and I will only be there to finalise a sale and for a test drive. What colour? I like green, red, blue, silver. Typical "normal" colours. Im not into the bright oranges, pinks, purples that many people my age go for.
I am currently driving an automatic Perodua Myvi, and I absolutely love it. Its a perfect size, shape and layout. I don't need anything massive, but I also need enough room to transport people (if anyone will ever get in the car with me), animals and large items.
Hoping to have the car in the next 2 months! :-)
I am currently in the process of buying my first car.....and it is painful!
I am not very into mechanics, and how big the engine is...how much horse power these things have. I seriously have ADD when it comes to this sort of thing.
All I have managed to say is my budget, size and perhaps shape of the car I want. I have literally left the rest down to those two boys. They know what they are looking for, and I will only be there to finalise a sale and for a test drive. What colour? I like green, red, blue, silver. Typical "normal" colours. Im not into the bright oranges, pinks, purples that many people my age go for.
I am currently driving an automatic Perodua Myvi, and I absolutely love it. Its a perfect size, shape and layout. I don't need anything massive, but I also need enough room to transport people (if anyone will ever get in the car with me), animals and large items.
Hoping to have the car in the next 2 months! :-)
Thursday, 15 March 2012
And it HAS to be the ORIGINAL version.
I used to be so addicted to this game when I was younger. I was first introduced to it around 2003, when I went round a friends house and we played SIMS HotDate. From that point on, I was hooked.
So how did you play?
Did you used to create yourself? Create your family? Create an ideal boyfriend? A celebrity?
I must admit, once I discovered the money cheat, I did use it alot. I never used to give mine jobs, and I used to try and stick to controlling one character. Such a loner! There was just so many directions you could take this game. It let kids use their imaginations. Bought out the interior designer in a lot of us!!
And who used to be seriously freaked out when the sinister music came on when there was a burglar or racoon?!?!?
I had ALL the expansion packs!
House party, Holiday, Superstar, Unleashed, Livin' Large, Makin' Magic and Hotdate.
I tried the new 3D versions, but somehow it just wasn't the same.
I do still have all the discs, but, I don't have the security codes :( waaa! Instead i'm having to satisfy my craving by watching play-throughs on youtube.
I used to be so addicted to this game when I was younger. I was first introduced to it around 2003, when I went round a friends house and we played SIMS HotDate. From that point on, I was hooked.
So how did you play?
Did you used to create yourself? Create your family? Create an ideal boyfriend? A celebrity?
I must admit, once I discovered the money cheat, I did use it alot. I never used to give mine jobs, and I used to try and stick to controlling one character. Such a loner! There was just so many directions you could take this game. It let kids use their imaginations. Bought out the interior designer in a lot of us!!
And who used to be seriously freaked out when the sinister music came on when there was a burglar or racoon?!?!?
I had ALL the expansion packs!
House party, Holiday, Superstar, Unleashed, Livin' Large, Makin' Magic and Hotdate.
I tried the new 3D versions, but somehow it just wasn't the same.
I do still have all the discs, but, I don't have the security codes :( waaa! Instead i'm having to satisfy my craving by watching play-throughs on youtube.
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Chocolate for happiness
So how does it make us happy?
Chocolate contains small amounts of Tryptophan, which is used by the brain to make Serotonin, that makes us feel happy.
Chocolate also contains traces of Phenylethylalanine which fights depression and gives us a feeling of euphoria, similar to falling in love.
When a girl is in a grumpy mood, wrong time of month and all that....the best thing you boys can do is give her chocolate.
Dark chocolate is better for us as due to its high cocoa content we need less to satisfy us.
Im going through a bad stage at the moment, and despite living off Monster energy drink, I have just scoffed 2 Yorkie Bars. Not so good for the diet. But gives me the calming kick that I need right now.
Chocolate contains small amounts of Tryptophan, which is used by the brain to make Serotonin, that makes us feel happy.
Chocolate also contains traces of Phenylethylalanine which fights depression and gives us a feeling of euphoria, similar to falling in love.
When a girl is in a grumpy mood, wrong time of month and all that....the best thing you boys can do is give her chocolate.
Dark chocolate is better for us as due to its high cocoa content we need less to satisfy us.
Im going through a bad stage at the moment, and despite living off Monster energy drink, I have just scoffed 2 Yorkie Bars. Not so good for the diet. But gives me the calming kick that I need right now.
Monday, 12 March 2012
I LOVE them. I am fascinated by them!
This started when I was a very young girl. My older brother loved dinosaurs and marine creatures, and we would always watch videos together about them, play games about them and read books about them.
Then my younger brother came along, and was also into dinosaurs. So I had a double whammy of them as a child. And the fascination has never gone away. I have even completed and passed a course with the Open University entitled "Fossils and a History of Life"
Dinosaur literally means "Terrible Lizard". They existed on this planet from 250 million years to 60 million years ago. Humans currently live in the Holocene period, whereas Dinosaurs lived in the Cretaceous and Mesozoic eras, split commonly into Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous. (GEEK!)
See I know a lot! I still watch dinosaur programs today, and if I could I would happily just sit in a library with a book about them! I've seen the stage show of walking with dinosaurs at the O2, which was pretty good. And I do love a trip to the Natural History Museum, although you will find that anyone I go with will end up getting a guided tour from me!
So who where my favorites?
Tough one! Of course, everyone has to love the Tyranosaurus (Tyrant Lizard) Although so many people get this wrong, they were NOT the most feared dinosaur, nor were they the biggest meat eater! Carcharodontosaurus and Spinosaurus where both bigger in size, the later being DOUBLE the size. Liopleurodon was massive, even though it was a sea-dweller. I also really liked Allosaurus. Don't know why, just do. I recon its because of the shape of the head!
Veg- eating Dinos, I love pretty much all of them. I find these ones more fascinating to look at, as some you can see the resemblance to modern day reptiles. Stegosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Iguanadon, Triceratops and Pachycephalosaurus are some of my favorites.
With movies like Jurassic Park and BBC Documentaries like "Walking with...." our knowledge on these bizarre creatures has been tried and tested. And we have learnt alot. For example we now know that the way velocoraptors were perceived in the Jurassic Park films was totally wrong. They in fact have feathers!
There are still so may questions unanswered. How did they die? How did the live? And i'm sure there are many more species and fossils still undiscovered.
If I could have my time again, I would DEFINITELY go and study Paleontology. I hope everyone can read this and LEARN SOMETHING today! I'm such a Geek.
This started when I was a very young girl. My older brother loved dinosaurs and marine creatures, and we would always watch videos together about them, play games about them and read books about them.
Then my younger brother came along, and was also into dinosaurs. So I had a double whammy of them as a child. And the fascination has never gone away. I have even completed and passed a course with the Open University entitled "Fossils and a History of Life"
Dinosaur literally means "Terrible Lizard". They existed on this planet from 250 million years to 60 million years ago. Humans currently live in the Holocene period, whereas Dinosaurs lived in the Cretaceous and Mesozoic eras, split commonly into Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous. (GEEK!)
See I know a lot! I still watch dinosaur programs today, and if I could I would happily just sit in a library with a book about them! I've seen the stage show of walking with dinosaurs at the O2, which was pretty good. And I do love a trip to the Natural History Museum, although you will find that anyone I go with will end up getting a guided tour from me!
So who where my favorites?
Tough one! Of course, everyone has to love the Tyranosaurus (Tyrant Lizard) Although so many people get this wrong, they were NOT the most feared dinosaur, nor were they the biggest meat eater! Carcharodontosaurus and Spinosaurus where both bigger in size, the later being DOUBLE the size. Liopleurodon was massive, even though it was a sea-dweller. I also really liked Allosaurus. Don't know why, just do. I recon its because of the shape of the head!
Veg- eating Dinos, I love pretty much all of them. I find these ones more fascinating to look at, as some you can see the resemblance to modern day reptiles. Stegosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Iguanadon, Triceratops and Pachycephalosaurus are some of my favorites.
With movies like Jurassic Park and BBC Documentaries like "Walking with...." our knowledge on these bizarre creatures has been tried and tested. And we have learnt alot. For example we now know that the way velocoraptors were perceived in the Jurassic Park films was totally wrong. They in fact have feathers!
There are still so may questions unanswered. How did they die? How did the live? And i'm sure there are many more species and fossils still undiscovered.
If I could have my time again, I would DEFINITELY go and study Paleontology. I hope everyone can read this and LEARN SOMETHING today! I'm such a Geek.
Sunday, 11 March 2012
World's Super-hero, Qatar
Whenever I talk about Qatar, people always say "Where is that!?"
On a map, it may only be the size of your little finger nail, but this country is now one of the richest in the world. Capital, Doha
Not many people realise how much of Britain Qatar actually own. Harrods, Shard and even the Olympic village are all owned by the power masters. Even Sainsburys is heavily invested by the country.
Qatar owns 20% of our stock market and 20% of Camden market. They supply us with 95% of our liquid natural gas imports.
One always assumes that because Qatar borders Saudi Arabia it should be a desert. Mental images of dust clouds, sand storms and tumbleweeds are soon destroyed by images of powerful skylines, extravagant shopping malls and flash cars. They are one of the only countries in the world that can do business with almost any country, and their friends list includes, U.S.A, Iran, Taliban and thankfully U.K.
Only 300,000 people within the country are actually Qatari, the rest is made up of fortune seekers, and can you really blame them?
All eyes will be upon this tiny country in 2022 when they play host to the World Cup.
Still not sure it would be on my "to do" list of countries...
On a map, it may only be the size of your little finger nail, but this country is now one of the richest in the world. Capital, Doha
Not many people realise how much of Britain Qatar actually own. Harrods, Shard and even the Olympic village are all owned by the power masters. Even Sainsburys is heavily invested by the country.
Qatar owns 20% of our stock market and 20% of Camden market. They supply us with 95% of our liquid natural gas imports.
One always assumes that because Qatar borders Saudi Arabia it should be a desert. Mental images of dust clouds, sand storms and tumbleweeds are soon destroyed by images of powerful skylines, extravagant shopping malls and flash cars. They are one of the only countries in the world that can do business with almost any country, and their friends list includes, U.S.A, Iran, Taliban and thankfully U.K.
Only 300,000 people within the country are actually Qatari, the rest is made up of fortune seekers, and can you really blame them?
All eyes will be upon this tiny country in 2022 when they play host to the World Cup.
Still not sure it would be on my "to do" list of countries...
Saturday, 10 March 2012
Dream holiday destination!
My dream holiday destination!
Sandals Negril Beach resort and Spa
Located in Jamaica.
I've seen videos and pictures of this place and it looks absolutely beautiful. It's a couples only resort, which is fantastic for those wanting some quiet time away.
The resort is surrounding by a stunning 7 mile beach. White sands and crystal blue waters.
The resort offers many rooms and suites, and even "swim up" suites, with steps from the private patio down into the pool.
For those who want a little more adventure, there are plenty of activites near the resort. Including:
windsurfing, scuba diving, swimming pools, tennis and volleyball (just to name a few)
How about a relaxing massage underneath a cabana right on the beach?
"Barefoot" restaurant is right on the beach, serving seafood specialties. Or how about Kimonos for skewered BBQ meats and seafood?
I just really want to go to this resort! It looks so beautiful. You have to go with someone very special, those romantic sunset walks along the beach, playful games of volleyball and intimate meals with perfect surroundings.
Friday, 9 March 2012
Sunny Delight
So how many of you remember that wonderful radioactive drink that us kids used to beg our parents to buy??
It first hit our shelves in 1998. Advertising itself as a healthy alternative to juice, yet it came under criticism when consumers discovered the ingredients list stating only 5% juice contents.
Main ingredients being water and corn syrup.
It rivaled the larger companies like Pepsi and Cola.
As a kid I loved it for about 18 months, then it seemed to disappear from the stores.
When I look at pictures of the products now, there is no way I would feed them to my children (if I had any)
It first hit our shelves in 1998. Advertising itself as a healthy alternative to juice, yet it came under criticism when consumers discovered the ingredients list stating only 5% juice contents.
Main ingredients being water and corn syrup.
It rivaled the larger companies like Pepsi and Cola.
As a kid I loved it for about 18 months, then it seemed to disappear from the stores.
When I look at pictures of the products now, there is no way I would feed them to my children (if I had any)
I cant remember which of the main 2 flavors was my favorite. "Californian" or "Florida" style. I think it was the Californian one.
After their rather spectacular demise in 2003, they have since had a healthy make-over and hit our stores once again in 2009, this time loaded with 70% juice. Thursday, 8 March 2012
iPad 3
So the new iPad is here! The iPad 3!
Here was me thinking they couldn't possibly get anything faster, slimmer or sharper than the iPad 2.
The iPad 3 is 4 x faster than previous models. The screen resolution is double that of the iPad 2, allowing sharper pictures in HD.
They have had to make sacrifices though, this iPad is in fact heavier than previous iPads, although whether you would actually notice the difference I don't know.
I've never owned an iPad, but I have used friends ones and have been into Apple stores and had a play around on there.
At first I didn't like them. I didn't see the point of their existence what with the presence of PC's and iPhones. To me the iPad could easily be damaged, if the screen of my iPod is anything to go by! I don't ever believe they will be able to create ONE gadget to do everything, and that people will be happy to use to do everything.
TechRepublic said: 'Apple is trying hard to get us to see the iPad as more than just a consumption device. It clearly wants this to be a viable option for more and more users to consider instead of a laptop.'

Personally I like to feel a keyboard underneath my fingers, especially when writing documents and emails. Although it is sad to think about the possible demise of PC's, the visions and imagination of the late Steve Jobs really are extraordinary.
This is space age technology. These things were only a figment of the imagination back in the 50's and 60's. Surely now we have reached the peak of invention?! 500 million people watched the moon landing in 1969, only 25 million people have bought an iPad, are we bored of technology? Is it a necessity or accessory?
Here was me thinking they couldn't possibly get anything faster, slimmer or sharper than the iPad 2.
The iPad 3 is 4 x faster than previous models. The screen resolution is double that of the iPad 2, allowing sharper pictures in HD.
They have had to make sacrifices though, this iPad is in fact heavier than previous iPads, although whether you would actually notice the difference I don't know.
I've never owned an iPad, but I have used friends ones and have been into Apple stores and had a play around on there.
At first I didn't like them. I didn't see the point of their existence what with the presence of PC's and iPhones. To me the iPad could easily be damaged, if the screen of my iPod is anything to go by! I don't ever believe they will be able to create ONE gadget to do everything, and that people will be happy to use to do everything.
TechRepublic said: 'Apple is trying hard to get us to see the iPad as more than just a consumption device. It clearly wants this to be a viable option for more and more users to consider instead of a laptop.'

Personally I like to feel a keyboard underneath my fingers, especially when writing documents and emails. Although it is sad to think about the possible demise of PC's, the visions and imagination of the late Steve Jobs really are extraordinary.
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Ann Summers PARTAY!
Just got back from an Ann Summers Party in Norwich!
I wasn't the host, merely a guest :)
If you haven't hosted a party before, then I suggest you do. They are a bit of fun on a night in with the girlies.
Games, Raffles (including the rather annoying yet perfectly titled "Bitch Raffle")
The planner will bring along a small selection of lingerie and fancy dress outfits. She may even encourage some brave soul to don the clothes and model for everyone....NOT me! Massively padded bras, frilly thongs and EVEN a self inflatable/de-flatable bra!!!!!
And of course the infamous "toys"! Everything for the single ladies, couples, lonely men and those wanting to spice up the bedroom!
Lube, Vibrators, blindfolds THE LOT! She had quite a selection to pass around aswell tonight. Many vibrators with the batteries in, so we could "feel the power", as well as about 5 different flavors of lube!
Strawberry, Tutti Frutti, bubblegum, chocolate and candyfloss.
They had some pretty good deals on tonight as well. 20% off most toys (which I took advantage of, what for? That would be telling!)
The only thing I will tell you that I bought (I only bought 2 things!) was some "Sizzling Body Candy", I imagine its a posh way of saying "Strawberry Popping Candy". As I have no BODY to eat it off, I shall merely be dipping my finger into the box and eating it that way. Sad, yes.
I wasn't the host, merely a guest :)
If you haven't hosted a party before, then I suggest you do. They are a bit of fun on a night in with the girlies.
Games, Raffles (including the rather annoying yet perfectly titled "Bitch Raffle")
The planner will bring along a small selection of lingerie and fancy dress outfits. She may even encourage some brave soul to don the clothes and model for everyone....NOT me! Massively padded bras, frilly thongs and EVEN a self inflatable/de-flatable bra!!!!!
And of course the infamous "toys"! Everything for the single ladies, couples, lonely men and those wanting to spice up the bedroom!
Lube, Vibrators, blindfolds THE LOT! She had quite a selection to pass around aswell tonight. Many vibrators with the batteries in, so we could "feel the power", as well as about 5 different flavors of lube!
Strawberry, Tutti Frutti, bubblegum, chocolate and candyfloss.
They had some pretty good deals on tonight as well. 20% off most toys (which I took advantage of, what for? That would be telling!)
The only thing I will tell you that I bought (I only bought 2 things!) was some "Sizzling Body Candy", I imagine its a posh way of saying "Strawberry Popping Candy". As I have no BODY to eat it off, I shall merely be dipping my finger into the box and eating it that way. Sad, yes.
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
So, people who know me well, will know that I am a bit of a foodie!
Pie is one of my favorites.I will happily have it served with almost anything!
Chips, Mash, Beans, Greens, Gravy just to name a few savory sides.
Pies first appeared around 9000BC. They became popular among those having to make long travels with very few stops for food such as sailors, due to their easy to store and long shelf life nature.
My favorite savory pie fillings include:
Steak and Ale, Beef and Onion, Chicken, Sausage, Pork, Quiche. (I have even had a Brussels sprout pie!)
Favorite sweet pies would include apple, pumpkin, blackberry, mince, pecan and custard. ALL savory pies (expect mince) should be served with custard in my opinion!
Of course I will have to give you all my most favorite pie recipe. This recipe is so simple everyone can do it, from students to OAP's.
Sausagemeat 1lb
1 Onion finely diced
Few leaves of fresh sage (or dried sage will do)
1 Egg
1 Packets of shortcrust pastry
1. Cook the onion until brown
2. Mix in a bowl the sausagemeat,, sage and add the onion
3. Roll the pastry out and cut a circle out to fit both the base of your pie and the top.
4. Place the base in the dish and spoon in the meat mixture.
5.. Put the pastry lid on the pie, use the egg whites to seal the edges and the yolk to give the pie a golden crust.
6. Cook for 40 minutes at 180-200 celcius.
Monday, 5 March 2012
The other day while I was away, I bought myself 2 bottles of Calsberg.
I had no bottle opener and so used my teeth for one of them, no problem. The other I struggled with, so used every method possible. During my attempts to open it I tried using my nails, suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my middle right finger. I found my nail totally bent back, and blood protruding from the nail. OWCH!
I had sliced my Hyponychium.
Today, as I attempt to open one of the doors on my rabbit hutch, I felt the same pain in my middle
left finger. Before looking I moved my nail back into place, when removing my glove, I found blood pouring from under the nail. AGAIN OWCH!
Once again I have sliced my Hyponychium.
Pain, is a slight understatement. :(
The Body Shop
So, as I may or may not have mentioned before, I am a Consultant with The Body Shop at Home. This is a job I have been doing since October 2011.
I make money in a variety of ways, catalogue orders, stock taking, fairs and parties.
To date I have only had 2 parties, one of them was my own! The other was an experience I won't forget, but may not rush back to. Many treat a Body Shop party as "something to do" while they all get pissed. I long for the day when someone ACTUALLY wants to listen and be pampered!
Fairs are my usual way of taking money. Either by buying product cheap and selling on at a good profit, or by taking orders. Have done many of these now, and to be honest I don't make a lot on the day, but it's a day out! I have met some wonderful people, and us stall holders all help each other find events, which is nice!
So to the products! I must admit I rarely used their products. It was the sort of company that people only consider using at Christmas - (still an element of truth in that).
My top sellers include the Hemp range, which has been recommended by doctors for the use on very dry skin.
The body butters are a bit of a flop. They are almost unique to Body Shop, especially the wide variety of scents available including: strawberry, Shea, pink grapefruit and olive. But although they smell lovely, they sell badly!
I tend to avoid make-up. I've never really been a huge make-up fan! I always preferred stage make-up. However, going into the Beauty industry I appreciate that personal appearance is crucial! I accept the fact that I will have to be wearing minimal make-up on a daily basis, something i'm not overly looking forward to! But despite my lack of confidence in this area, with Body Shop it is almost a neccesity as it tends to be the products that sell best!
So what would I say to someone wanting to join?
This is a tricky one to answer! Obviously, the more people I recruit, the more money I make. BUT my attitude to it is this......I DO NOT force people into the business. I openly tell them the pros and cons and let them make their own decision. I do not force selling targets upon them (just as I refused to join if they were put upon me). I like to take it all at my own pace. For me, this is not a career path, it is merely something that I wanted to do to add to my C.V. Each person has their own reasons for joining, that is mine.
I make money in a variety of ways, catalogue orders, stock taking, fairs and parties.
To date I have only had 2 parties, one of them was my own! The other was an experience I won't forget, but may not rush back to. Many treat a Body Shop party as "something to do" while they all get pissed. I long for the day when someone ACTUALLY wants to listen and be pampered!
Fairs are my usual way of taking money. Either by buying product cheap and selling on at a good profit, or by taking orders. Have done many of these now, and to be honest I don't make a lot on the day, but it's a day out! I have met some wonderful people, and us stall holders all help each other find events, which is nice!
So to the products! I must admit I rarely used their products. It was the sort of company that people only consider using at Christmas - (still an element of truth in that).
My top sellers include the Hemp range, which has been recommended by doctors for the use on very dry skin.
The body butters are a bit of a flop. They are almost unique to Body Shop, especially the wide variety of scents available including: strawberry, Shea, pink grapefruit and olive. But although they smell lovely, they sell badly!
I tend to avoid make-up. I've never really been a huge make-up fan! I always preferred stage make-up. However, going into the Beauty industry I appreciate that personal appearance is crucial! I accept the fact that I will have to be wearing minimal make-up on a daily basis, something i'm not overly looking forward to! But despite my lack of confidence in this area, with Body Shop it is almost a neccesity as it tends to be the products that sell best!
So what would I say to someone wanting to join?
This is a tricky one to answer! Obviously, the more people I recruit, the more money I make. BUT my attitude to it is this......I DO NOT force people into the business. I openly tell them the pros and cons and let them make their own decision. I do not force selling targets upon them (just as I refused to join if they were put upon me). I like to take it all at my own pace. For me, this is not a career path, it is merely something that I wanted to do to add to my C.V. Each person has their own reasons for joining, that is mine.
Sunday, 4 March 2012
1 hour of zumba and then a medium veg pizza
1 hour of zumba and then a medium veg pizza
Birthday Blog
So yes, that time our year has once again returned, and I am a year older.
21 Years ago, some midwife pulled me out of my mothers stomach and bought me into the world. Believe me I don't think the world was fully prepared for me!
In the past birthdays have included: Magicians, Totally Brilliant and Kidz Kingdom in Ipswich (anyone else remember them?) Pottery Painting, Sleepovers, Formal Meals, Piss Ups, SCHOOL! And my rather random 18th Birthday in the 6th form center at school!
This year, like last year I have spent most of the day travelling back home.
Upon my return I find the house littered with helium balloons, cards, prezzies and a rather large cake! (and I didn't even want anything! Well....this is a lie, I did desperately want someONE but hey, miracle maker hasn't got to me yet!)
Cards from a lot of the ladies I work with at the charity shop, family friends and close family. Presents have included:
Bracelets (thanks Pat!)
Charm from Links of London (thanks brothers!)
21st Mug and £15 shopping voucher (thanks Christine!)
2 Cheques from my granddad and great aunt
A set of Zumba gear from my Grandma
A PedEgg (don't ask!) from mum and dad
So am I partying all night? Getting Drunk? Being thrown from a bridge 21 times into a river?
I am going to my Zumba class at 7, and maybe after that I will pig out on a pizza! Cancel it out a bit....in fact having written this, i'm debating whether or not to waste £4 on Zumba just to then eat a pizza!
I will let you know my decision......
21 Years ago, some midwife pulled me out of my mothers stomach and bought me into the world. Believe me I don't think the world was fully prepared for me!
In the past birthdays have included: Magicians, Totally Brilliant and Kidz Kingdom in Ipswich (anyone else remember them?) Pottery Painting, Sleepovers, Formal Meals, Piss Ups, SCHOOL! And my rather random 18th Birthday in the 6th form center at school!
This year, like last year I have spent most of the day travelling back home.
Upon my return I find the house littered with helium balloons, cards, prezzies and a rather large cake! (and I didn't even want anything! Well....this is a lie, I did desperately want someONE but hey, miracle maker hasn't got to me yet!)
Cards from a lot of the ladies I work with at the charity shop, family friends and close family. Presents have included:
Bracelets (thanks Pat!)
Charm from Links of London (thanks brothers!)
21st Mug and £15 shopping voucher (thanks Christine!)
2 Cheques from my granddad and great aunt
A set of Zumba gear from my Grandma
A PedEgg (don't ask!) from mum and dad
So am I partying all night? Getting Drunk? Being thrown from a bridge 21 times into a river?
I am going to my Zumba class at 7, and maybe after that I will pig out on a pizza! Cancel it out a bit....in fact having written this, i'm debating whether or not to waste £4 on Zumba just to then eat a pizza!
I will let you know my decision......
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Nandos...How spicy do YOU go?
I must just take this time to show my appreciation for this rather delightful company!
Founded in 1987 in South Africa this once small company has now spread across 30 countries like a bout of bird flu! I mean that in a good way!
Specializing in chicken, with very little else on the menu, they like to cook it in one of their unique marinades. Customers can choose from:
Plain, Lemon and Herb, Medium, Hot, Extra Hot and XX Hot! (Occasionally Mango and Lime or Mediterranean are also on the menu)
So my usual is to go for a plain marinade, and then I can add my own SPICE at their "Sauce Station". Large bottles of sauces stand proud on the shelves among bottles of ketchup, salad dressing and vinaigrette. I like to add Garlic sauce, Ketchup and salad dressing to my butterfly chicken and double chips!
On one occasion I sat opposite someone who decided to pour a rather large amount of XX HOT sauce onto his plate, consequently spending the rest of his meal sniffing and wiping tears from his eyes.
Again I must point out that this so called "Hot Sauce Hero" was in-fact my boyfriend, and as it was our first time to Nando's together (and my first time ever) I still hold the fact that he was trying to prove a point! - No matter what his excuse is otherwise!
So, in a perfect situation my ideal meal at a Nando's resaurant would be:
Starter of houmous and olives followed by butterfly chicken breast and double chips
Washed down with a bottomless drink
The bottomless drink is a novel way of filling up their customers so they are too full to finish any food!
I wasn't always a butterfly chicken girl! I used to quite like the half chicken, however having once been served said dish with a visible deep fried leg and foot! I was rather put off the idea!
So, if you have not tried it before, now is your chance! I can guarantee you will be converted! I certainly was, and now in order for any town to be considered good (in my eyes) it MUST have a Nando's!
"The new HSBC Secure Key is designed to make sure only you can access your personal information. We're the first UK bank to introduce a two-factor authentication device like this and it's one of the smallest and simplest to use."
It may be wonderful, but this little gadget is the bane of my life. Back in the day it used to be so easy to check ones bank balance online. Nowadays, your bombarded with questions "what's your mother's maiden name?" "Name of first school?" "inside leg measurement......" after which you then have the master hunt for one of the worlds smallest necessity gadgets! Effing and blinding and claiming how it is no longer where you left it!
On successful discovery of the culprit one must then remember their personal code, a number unique to them of between 4-10 digits (i think)
Whatever happened to spontaneous balance checks? Checking ones balance is an event that needs months of planning and the presence of one very special little gadget!
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