So, I couldn't believe my luck this morning when I stepped on the scales (I very rarely weigh myself as it's just too depressing) and I found out I had lost a STONE in weight in the last month.
So how did I do it? What is the secret?
Well, to be honest, i have no idea how I have lost so much weight in so little time, and I have no secret!
I work out regularly twice a week, 2 x 1 hour classes of Zumba, where I always opt for the high impact workout. I occasionally walk, albeit not very far, either a mile into town or 1/4 mile to my local shop. And that is about it as far as exercise is concerned.
As for food, i EAT. I will pretty much eat what I want, when I want it. I do snack occasionally. I guess my portion sizes have decreased over the last year or idea why. But as much as I love a good caesar salad, I will usually go for anything with carbohydrates....potatoes, pasta, bread, CHIPS!
Stress level - HIGH! Well, high for me, pretty much medium/low for anyone else! :) I've had alot of nervous energy lately, what with driving lessons, love life and work. But I have never seen how nervous energy can actually be fat burning! :S
I should have taken a before and after photo! People could see the difference for themselves. My work collegues have all noticed a difference, even my own family! The person who noticed most was my manager. She has been off sick for a good month or so, and when I saw her the other day all I got was "WOW you've lost weight!" Especially around my upper arms and "gut" area.
I've even gone down a dress size. I usually like wearing more baggy clothes, i'm not a tight person! :D So i've usually gone for a size up from my normal, but now all those clothes are far too big for me. Jumble sale here I come!
Please nobody panic though (not that you will) I eat perfectly normally, i'm not starving myself. Trying to take food away from me is very difficult!!!!!
For the record, that is NOT my body in the photo, I can dream on!
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