A random collection of things to Bloggle your mind

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Where have i been???


Wow, so it has officially been ages since I wrote anything properly on here!! Sorry to have abandoned you all :(


The Olympic Opening ceremony was officially amazing. One of the most special things I have ever done. I even managed to see myself on the television which was a bonus.

Then working in London over the Olympics was hard HARD work. Long hours, and on your feet all day, selling programmes in Excel Center. The pay was very rewarding though, even if the general public at that venue where a bit of a nightmare!!

Then to be invited back to do the Paralympic Opening Ceremony was just the icing on the cake. This routine was totally different from the Olympics, and on the whole felt more relaxed. I really only had about 10 rehearsals for this segment. Once again we were onstage for a long time, and yes did catch myself on tv :)

I am a bit sad that I saw so little sport over the summer. Working meant that I missed out on many of Britains sporting highlights, however I did manage to watch AND CHEER Usain Bolt in the 100m finals. EPIC. I did get tickets to a couple of events. I saw Water Polo in the Olynpics, and Para Equestrian and Para Swimming. The paralympic athletes really were an inspiration and it was quite emotional watching them. Talking of athletes, on Monday I went to watch the Athletes parade in London. I was given a special "ceremonies volunteer ticket" along the mall. It was incredible. I have never cheered and clapped so much in my life, and I stood wonderfully close to all of Britains great athletes. 

SO BLIMEY! What a summer!!!!

So what happens to me now??? 
Im back to normality with a massive crash. lol
Currently applying to jobs around the country, just so I can move out and start earning money. I had set my hopes on getting a Beauty Therapy job at Center Parcs, and unfortunately didn't get it. :( BUT never mind, job applications are still rolling.

LATEST NEWS: teehee, mind you many people are going to KILL me for saying this, seeing as I have been so against university in the past.....
- I have decided to try and study for a degree. But being me, I'm not going to take the usual path....
- I have signed up to a degree from the OPEN UNIVERSITY doing Natural Science (BSc), this is going to be a mega challenge for me as although I consider myself to be quite good at Biology and Geography, I'm not so hot at Maths or Physics. 

So where does this take me?
Well I will keep my options open with it. Im not ruling out University for 2013. At least with OU, i have a choice whether to continue studying with them or to convert the course to another University.

I shall keep you posted!!!
ANYWAYS, that was my quick catch up for you all. Will be checking in again soon!